Our Work
Legal Assistance
How to Get Support
Are you seeking legal assistance? Filling out an intake form is the most effective way to connect with us for support.
Weekly Denver County Court In-Person Clinics
Seeking legal assistance about an eviction case that has been filed in Denver County? Chat with a tenant attorney in person from 8am - 12pm on Thursdays and Fridays in Room 163 of the Denver Courthouse!
No RSVP required. We have to prioritize individuals with an Answer due that day, and we serve people in the order that they arrive, so it is best to arrive early and plan to be there for a few hours, at least.
We cannot guarantee we can serve everyone who comes to clinic given our capacity, but we do our best to help as many people as we can.
Other organizations are also present to assist with filling out applications for rental assistance.
Our team can also refer individuals in need of further legal assistance or social services to our volunteer network and community partners.

Housing Navigation

CPLP connects individuals seeking new housing arrangements with community housing navigators who are able to assist them in the often complex process of finding a new place to live.

Housing Advocacy
Give tenants the resources to fight unfair evictions
Prevent discrimination and predatory landlord practices
Recent Advocacy Updates:

Senate Bill 24-094: Strengthening the “warranty of habitability”
SB 94 overhauled standards and processes for a renter to obtain necessary repairs to their unit in order to access safe and healthy housing.
This bill made it easier for tenants to notify their landlords of habitability issues, established presumptive timeframes for a landlord to complete a repair, clarified legal remedies for when a landlord fails to make necessary repairs, and addressed the responsibility of landlords to fix cooling devices and elevators.
This bill was signed by the Governor on May 3,, 2024, and became effective immediately upon signing. It applies to actions that arise on or after that date.
House Bill 24-1099: Eliminating eviction answer filing fees
HB 1099 eliminated the “answer filing fee” that tenants previously had to pay in order to respond to an eviction. It also eliminated mailing costs for tenants who cannot easily access the internet and who have to submit hard-copy responses to their eviction.
This legislation will essentially make it free for tenants to participate in their eviction, which will boost participation rates, ease the burden on the courts to verify peoples’ financial circumstances, and expand resources for legal aid providers.
This bill awaits action from the Governor and would become effective on November 1, 2024.
House Bill 24-1294: Reforming Colorado’s “Mobile Home Park Act”
HB 1294 addressed gaps in Colorado’s Mobile Home Park Act that had left park residents vulnerable to displacement and financial hardship.
This bill established robust language access provisions for communications with park residents with limited English proficiency, required greater transparency in “rent to own” agreements, clarified enforcement of mobile home park rules and regulations, and strengthened legal remedies when a park is out of legal compliance, amongst other protections.
This bill awaits action from the Governor. Some provisions in the bill will become effective immediately when the bill becomes law, and the entire bill will become effective by June 30, 2024.

Young Adult Initiative
Pro bono legal consultation and representation to young adult tenants on matters relating to landlord violations and evictions.
Please contact us if you would like to request a Know-Your-Rights training for your organization or community (contact@copovertylawproject.org)
If you need legal assistance please fill out our online intake form.